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Financial Overview November 2018
Financial Overview October 2018
Breaking Markets News – Growth and Commercial War. Present and future developments of a global trade conflict.
In this number: FED rates, Inflation and Nominal Growth GDP Amount of US Banks Reserves c/o FED & Inflationary Expectations USA vs China Breaking Markets News 04/2018
Breaking Markets News – Spring on the markets and spring at the FED. What new scenarios will investors wait for?
In this number: FED rates, Inflation and Nominal Growth GDP Amount of US Banks Reserves c / o FED & Inflationary Expectations Breaking Markets News 03/2018
Breaking Markets News – Share volatility: a new return.
In this number: S&P500 - Monthly Data VIX, S&P500 and VIX Trends Cost of Capital Breaking Markets News 02/2018
Breaking Markets News – Equity Markets and Currency Volatility: scenarios at the beginning of the year.
In this number: The investor confidence paradox: retail vs Institutional in America The frontier on the EUR/USD Parity Breaking Markets News 01/2018
Breaking Markets News – Growth in 2018 & Inflation. Ideas for the new year of investments.
In this number: World growth and international trade Global economic trend Breaking Markets News 12/2017
EM credit Markets, what’s ahead for 2018
1. EDITORIAL As highlighted by JP Morgan in one of the latest research pieces, “the main driver of the spread tightening over the past year has arguably been the global demand for higher yielding assets following the record level of QE deployed by the DM...
Politics & Markets nowadays. Tight Linkages
1. EDITORIAL Let’s start this month by telling that within the politics arena, Mr Abe has achieved the super-majority in parliament he had hoped for. Japanese equity has been the place to be this month. We would allow the major Japanese indices to advance another 1-2%...