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EURUSD: the next big thing in the next months ahead
1. EDITORIALMajor indices of US equity ended last week very close to record highs with the VIX very close to a record low, anchored by the absence of volatility in debt markets. The credit signals remain positive, Europe included.We do not expect to see the S&P500...
Framont & Partners Management on Finance Monthly
Framont & Partners Management and his CEO Gianluigi Montagner are on the latest edition of Finance Monthly. Click the image to read the article.
Breaking Markets News – Emerging Markets and US Dollar. Which direction for the coming months?
In this number: Emerging markets trends USD Trends (weekly performance) Breaking Markets News 07/2017
Global Inflation for the second semester of the year. Global Growth or fears ahead?
1. EDITORIALAs shown in their last study by the Investment Bank JP Morgan, “Macro fundamentals, economic data, and financial markets have become somewhat disconnected of late. From a macro fundamental standpoint, the year has been tame compared to the widespread...
Breaking Markets News – Emerging Markets: opportunities to capture?
In this number: Trends EM vs DM and tradeable USD FED Dots Trends EM vs DM since 2000 Breaking Markets News 06/2017
Breaking Markets News – Political scenarios in developed and emerging countries and low volatility in markets
In this number: VIX & SKEW Index Brasil and emerging Markets comparison Breaking Markets News 05/2017
Elections, Global Growth & Inflation. Interconnections on the markets.
1. EDITORIAL As analysed by Kepler Chevreux in their analysis, “since the fear of political disruption in France has been almost entirely removed the immediate positive impact of a Macron Presidency will be priced almost instantly. A major obstacle to the extension of...
Breaking Markets News – French Elections, Profits and Expectations of Inflation
In this number: French Elections Profits and Expectations of Inflation Breaking Markets News 04/2017
Global Markets vs. Political Uncertainty. New order of things and volatility.
1. EDITORIAL As highlighted by the ETF asset management house Source, in the first Quarter of 2017 different asset classes groups have diverged: equity-like assets and industrial commodities have done well; sovereign debt, IG credit and gold...